
The Monkey King

Release Date : 30 January 2014 (China)
Genre: Action | Adventure
IMDB Rating: 5,1/10 from 800 users
Director: Pou-Soi Cheang
Writers: Kam-Yuen Szeto, Edmond Wong
Stars: Donnie Yen, Yun-Fat Chow, Aaron Kwok
 Sun Wukong, (The Monkey King) is a monkey born from a heavenly stone who acquires supernatural powers. After rebelling against heaven and being imprisoned under a mountain for 500 years, he later accompanies the monk Xuanzang on a journey to India. Thus, according to legend, Buddhism is brought to ancient China. This much beloved story, is as much a part of Asian culture as The Iliad and The Odyssey or The Wizard of Oz are to the West.
This first installment in a trilogy of live action 3-D movies is actually a prequel to The Journey To The West, the much told story of the Monkey King's adventures on the road to India. The Monkey King: Havoc In The Heavenly Palace will be released in the U.S. as The Monkey King. The first movie is the origins story - beginning with the birth of Sun Wukong and ending with his imprisonment for his crimes under the Five-Peaked Mountain. Along the way he acquires incredible powers, battling the armies of the gods and the armies of the demons to find his
Sun Wukong, (The Monkey King) adalah monyet yang lahir dari batu surgawi yang memperoleh kekuatan supranatural. Setelah memberontak melawan surga dan dipenjarakan di bawah gunung selama 500 tahun, ia kemudian menyertai biksu Xuanzang dalam perjalanan ke India. Jadi, menurut legenda, Buddhisme dibawa ke Cina kuno. Cerita tercinta banyak ini, adalah menjadi bagian dari budaya Asia sebagai The Iliad dan Odyssey atau The Wizard of Oz adalah ke Barat. Angsuran pertama dalam trilogi film live action 3-D sebenarnya adalah prequel The Journey To The West, cerita banyak menceritakan petualangan Raja Monyet di jalan menuju India. The Monkey King: Havoc In The Palace Surgawi akan dirilis di Amerika Serikat sebagai The Monkey King. Film pertama adalah cerita asal-usul - dimulai dengan kelahiran Sun Wukong dan berakhir dengan hukuman penjara atas kejahatan di bawah Lima Memuncak Mountain. Sepanjang jalan ia memperoleh kekuatan luar biasa, berjuang melawan tentara para dewa dan tentara setan untuk menemukan nya