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Movies Info 
Genre: Comedy
Size: 754.74 MB
Quality: 720p
Resolution: 1280*688
Frame Rate: 23.976 fps
Language: English
Run Time: 1hr 32 min
 IMDB Rating: 6.2/10
 G.B.F. (2013) BluRay 720p 750MB
Synopsis G.B.F.
In G.B.F., social warfare erupts when three high school clique queens battle for supremacy: drama diva Caprice, Mormon princess ‘Shley and blonde fashionista Fawcett. When unassuming Tanner is outted, he finds himself cast as the hottest new teen-girl accessory: The Gay Best Friend. The clique queens immediately pounce and makeover Tanner into their ideal arm candy, forcing him to choose between popularity and the true friends – including his own B.F.F. Brent – that he’s leaving behind.
 Dalam GBF, perang sosial meletus ketika tiga ratu klik SMA pertempuran untuk supremasi: drama diva Caprice, Mormon princess 'Shley dan fashionista pirang Fawcett. Ketika Tanner sederhana yang outted, ia menemukan dirinya berperan sebagai baru terpanas remaja-gadis aksesori: The Gay Best Friend. The clique ratu segera menerkam dan makeover Tanner ke lengan permen ideal mereka, memaksa dia untuk memilih antara popularitas dan teman sejati - termasuk BFF sendiri Brent - bahwa dia
Trailer G.B.F. 
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